Best-in-class patient acquisition campaign drives 23:1 ROI
In a post-COVID environment, healthcare providers faced unprecedented challenges, including declines in ER visits. AdventHealth, our client of 16 years and a leading healthcare provider with 50 hospital campuses, confronted this issue amid a fiercely competitive market characterized by a rapid increase in competitor locations and strategically placed hospital-based emergency departments. To address declining ER patient volumes, AdventHealth partnered with BPD to implement a patient acquisition campaign using our best-in-class precision marketing approach. BPD’s proprietary data platform was the foundation for the paid advertising campaign, leveraging detailed analytics, personalized messaging and targeted execution to drive patient acquisition and retention. The campaign featured more than 300 unique ad executions across the 11 distinct microsegments developed from our data platform, which includes a mix of unique data partnerships, third-party data and proprietary longitudinal data from more than a decade of service marketing campaigns.

(using contribution margin)
We could no longer approach our marketing strategy like we did in the past. We had to finda way to break through the clutter.”
Vice President, Strategic Marketing & Communications