Data or Bust: The Power of Precision Marketing

What defines a game-changing campaign? Find out as we explore inspiring campaigns that are bold and humorous; and can guide healthcare marketing leaders to create their own game-changing ideas.

Let’s Talk: Game-Changing Campaigns

What defines a game-changing campaign? Find out as we explore inspiring campaigns that are bold and humorous; and can guide healthcare marketing leaders to create their own game-changing ideas.

Playing the Long Game: Key Strategies for Healthcare Negotiations

In the latest Summit Series, Chief Communications Officer Ryan Colaianni interviewed Shawn Fitzgibbon, Managing Director and Payor/Provider Practice Lead at BDC Advisors. Bringing more than 30 years’ experiences to July’s chat, Fitzgibbon led the conversation on contract portfolio management, providing great insight on how to navigate a continuously changing – and increasingly uncompetitive – marketplace.

The Catalyst for Change: “Rome Is Burning”

With an eagle eye across health system marketing nationwide, we identified a tough trend: health system CMOs weren’t just facing the most difficult times ever… their roles were being questioned.